White King and the Battle of America Prelaunch Sale!
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Lee Kessler grew up in upstate New York and was educated at Grove City College in Pennsylvania, where she received a B.A. degree in Speech. Graduating Summa Cum Laude, her college career was hallmarked by regional and national debating and oratory championships.
She received her M.A. in Speech and Acting from the University of Wisconsin, where she was awarded the coveted Knapp Prize Fellowship. Upon graduation, she accepted a position teaching speech and drama at Lincoln Land Community College in Springfield, Illinois. It was her responsibility to establish that college's speech and drama department.
One year later she moved to Los Angeles and began a career in corporate personnel management and labor relations with a major retailing conglomerate. She left that position three years later to commence a career in the entertainment industry.
Her career in Hollywood and New York spans thirty (30) years and includes dozens of guest starring roles in episodic TV, mini-series and movies-of-the-week. She had re-occurring roles in the series Hill Street Blues, Matlock and LA Law. She was submitted for Emmy nomination twice for her starring roles in Collision Course and the television special Which Mother Is Mine? She is a produced playwright, novelist and screenwriter.
Recently, Lee has written and published a novel (White King and the Doctor) based on actual events, which shows the how and the REAL WHY behind the war on terror. It has remained the #1 position in “Suspense” with one of the country’s largest on-line publishers. She also has written a screenplay (The Last Line of Defense) about a government abuse of power, which was awarded “finalist” in the International Filmmaker Screenwriting Contest.
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During the development of her entertainment industry career, Lee also became a successful entrepreneur, and today owns an Internet business which operates throughout the United States.
In conjunction with that business, she has, for 23 years, done business presentations which would today number into the thousands, and
has spoken at business seminars in the US and foreign countries to thousands of businessmen and women.
Frequent subjects of her presentations are:
• Changing trends in society and business
• Leadership skills in business
• The Debt trap
• Personnel management
• Business development
• Entrepreneurism
• Personnel recruitment
• Marketing
• Sales
• Resource allocation
• Business ethics
• Personal integrity in business
• Time Management
• Social trends for the future
Recent business honors and listings include:
• Who's Who in Finance and Business
• Who’s Who in America
• Who's Who in Entertainment
• Who's Who in American Women
• Membership invitation to the International Platform Association.
She also owns Montana Tutoring, a licensee of Applied Scholastics International. Lee delivers lectures to parents, teachers, students and employers on why people have trouble learning, and how to fix it—with the goal of lowering drop out rates, increasing retention and productivity, and developing a life-long ability to learn.
Currently, she resides in Montana.
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